Blogger BlogNet76247

Website Hosting is Not That Difficult

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Inexperienced web site builders trying to put their site up on the Internet often get confused by the process of website hosting, even though the procedure is very simple. As long as you have some key rudimentary knowledge, it's easy to get your site up and running on the Internet.

The first step should be to know about IP Addresses.The principal function of a LAN or local area network is to interconnect a variety of computers which are confined to the same place. WAN or wide area network is a dispersed collection of LANs that have been connected together.In layman's terms, the Internet is a dispersed set of interconnected Wide Area Networks.

As is the case with every network, all the things on the Internet should have its own exclusive identity. This is accomplished with the help of IP addresses. An IP address consists of 4 sets of numbers, each one from 1 to 255, separated by periods. For example is an IP address. This system offers us around 4.2 billion distinctive identities.

Companies that provide website hosting have their own collection of IP addresses. When you go to register for your hosting scheme then you will obtain your own exclusive IP address from within that range. Then you will see that the IP address given to you match to your individual public hosting area, which is known as your domain.

In such a scenario when someone comes into your IP address, they will land straight at your domain. For example, if your IP address is and if you type this number into your browser's address bar, then you will enter into this web site.

In the event of your doing website hosting to reduce the overall cost of operation , budget hosting companies invariably assign single IP addresses across a large number of customers. This option is reasonable; however, one should keep in mind that the IP addresses are also used by spam filters and black lists spot offenders. Since common IP address is provided it could result in an innocent website being punished, blacklisted or blocked alongside the guilty website. In order to avoid such a hassle it is always preferable that the hosting provider always gives you your own independent IP address for web hosting.

Hosting a website is a clear-cut process, but sometimes site builders can be puzzled when hosting a site for the first time. It is very easy to host a website on the Internet if you possess certain basic knowledge. Every website hosting company owns a reserved block of IP addresses. One of these addresses will be assigned to you for your exclusive use. By checking on the details of your domain, you will find that its IP address matches up with the one obtained from the hosting company. It is always preferable that the hosting provider always gives you your own independent IP address for web hosting.

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