Blogger BlogNet76247

3 Sure-Fire Success Tips From Excellent Blogging Guides


When you start blogging you might find that it is difficult to start it and maintain it. Many people find this because it does take up a fair amount of time and there are tons, almost too many, different models and methods you can use to have a successful blog. Blogging guides also exist where people will give you advice and details about blogging - how to start, what to do, where to find the best money making possibilities etc. Well after searching the internet and looking at tons of ways to make blogging profitable, there are in fact many good ebooks around for you to start off your blogging venture.

Here are 3 sure-fire success tips excellent blogging guides will tell you.

1. Hand holding - With many other blogging guides, you will find that there is a lot of hyped up information and details that are a bit too complicated for newbie's to handle. Well, there is some blogging guides which will hand hold you for every step you take. The ebook author, having discovered all the ins and outs of blogging and how to actually make a living from it, will share with you the dos and don'ts of blogging.

It is not just a hobby, as he will put it, but you must actually be passionate and committed to your blogging. You will need to post topics every few days and keep working to promote the site and encourage traffic through various forms that he describes.

2. Screen shots - What is so great about a good blogging guide is that everything is given to you exactly and there must be screen shots included so that you don't get stuck at any point when you are going through the setting up of your blog and joining various websites. Tips and advice must be offered by the expert blogger and they include everything you need to know from setting everything up easily without making the same mistakes to making your first dollar.

In the guide, you should be given step by step instructions when you want to start making more money from your blog and when you want to drive more and more traffic to it. If the book promises that you, if you follow all the steps, will make about $2000 - $3000 every month, he will show you how in his guide. He will show how he does it with his blog which should be about a subject that he is interested in and everyone can do the same.

3. Starting off right - I feel a good blogging guide author should emphasize the key point are that you must choose to start a blog about something you are interested in and not just because you want to make money from it. You will need to target a market and make it very interesting and useful for people. If you enjoy what you are writing about and use the techniques and methods that he gives, you can easily do what he has done, and start earning big bucks from something that starts out as a fun sideline.

If you are interested in writing and want to just put your ideas down for everyone to read you can actually make money from them and turn it into a good business for yourself. Just use these excellent blogging guides that are given to you, and you will be successful in no time.

Jhong Ren is the author of Bloggers Pay Check He is a pro-wedding blogger and social worker who generates $2000 each month of passive income just from his one wedding blog.

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6 Tips When Setting Up a Blog


Why do you want to have a blog. Do you know what one is? Apart from the technical side, what do you want to write about and why? For pleasure,for potential profit? Narrowing down your motivations will help you decide on the theme, look and feel of your blog.

So having gone through it myself, what pearls of wisdom can I impart? I don't think its easy whatever some may say but it gets easier. It would have been helpful if I could have learned alongside someone who was also learning , perhaps only a couple of steps ahead; rather than a couple of miles! There are some out there who may be forgiven for forgetting what it is like to wrestle with terms like FTP and folders, themes and tickets, because they have done it many times before and with the best will in the world might leave out one or two crucial stages,because they are so used to doing it.

The one thing I can say is that you can get a blog going with perseverance and persistence and as long as you are prepared to put in the time and energy it takes, you will succeed. Just be prepared for some frustrations along the way.

When you are considering blogging, you need to think about marketing that blog and monetising it if making money is your motivation. There is a lot to learn but it is a great way to sell things using affiliate links and possibly your own products.

A few things you should consider before you set up your blog.

1. Its not that easy to get up and running if you are new to the internet and not used to doing much more than emailing and surfing but it can be done. It will take serious dedication and patience if you are going to make a serious business out of it.

2. You will need more than one blog if you are interested in selling in more than one field. Dont mix up your "lose weight fast products "blog with your "how to train your horse blog". One blog,one market.

3. Learn everything you can about blog marketing.How to set them up, how to get readers, how to get them to subscribe, how to get them to buy. There is a lot to learn and you can only do it in stages but as you progress,it will be easier to see the path to success. Keep taking action.

4. Learn something about SEO or search engine optimization or pay someone else to sort it out for you. You will need to optimize your blog so the search engines can find it.

5. Accept that you will be good at some things and hopeless at others. If you can't write, get someone else to do it for you.

6. Accept that you will get out of it what you put into it. It won't happen overnight.

I provide help and information on blogging for newbies. FREE tips for you,how to start , problems you will face and how you solve them. I have been there believe me!

Jane Robinson

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Blogger BlogNet76247: Dec 2, 2008

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