Blogger BlogNet76247

The Vital Question Every Blogger Should Know

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Welcome bloggers and potential bloggers. Here is a statement of fact: Your readers don't care about you.

That seems to come as a shock to many bloggers. The truth is most readers only care about themselves - not in a selfish way necessarily - it's just that they have their own problems that they need to solve. They need to get things done, with the minimum of hassle, time, and expense. They want to find out valuable information. Answers to problems. Or perhaps they want to be entertained. To laugh. To learn.

That's why they come to you in the first place - for answers, insight, entertainment. They don't so much want to know about you and your blog as how it solves their problems or makes their life better.

The BIG question

So what is that all important question on your readers minds when they come to your site? It is this:

What's in it for me?

When you create your blog it's vital to put yourself in your reader's shoes and ask yourself this question: "What's in it for me?"

Answering this question on behalf of your readers is fundamental to establishing whether your blog is likely to keep visitors coming back. See the site through the reader's eyes. Review each page and ask yourself the question "What's in it for me?" That will help you to focus and write clear, valuable content.

Asking yourself the question "What's in it for me?" may mean you need to rework your blog a bit, but the results will be worth it in the long run.

Tony Bedford first started blogging in March 2000. Tony currently maintains a free guide to more profitable blogging at

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Blogger BlogNet76247: The Vital Question Every Blogger Should Know

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